A selection of photos from the 2024 Festival… Reflections at Binyang Windborne Volunteer Carole at Tanglewood Tanglewood Committee members, School Principal and Garden Owners at Glenalva Garden Owner Cathy with volunteers Banool Banool Garden owners of Binyang – Pete & Wayne Woodpile art at Glenalva Glenalva Scavenger Hunt item made by Kindy kids Scavenger Hunt at Banool Weaving workshop at Tundurra HPS Volunteers – Keira & Melissa Tundurra Tundarra Previous Festival Garden Owners – Marilyn & Marion HPS Volunteers Kylie and kids Family picnics at Tundarra Garden visitors Garden Visitors Mosaic Workshop Banool HPS Volunteers at Adelina HPS parents Kate and Martijn playing at Tundarra HPS student volunteers HPS Volunteers HPS Volunteers at Tanglewood Committee Member Loretta with volunteer Family of volunteers Garden visitors at Frugal-lea Garden visitors Weaving workshop at Tundarra Garden visitors Garden visitors HPS Volunteers at Glenalva Volunteers at Plant Stall Committee member with Garden Owner Pete, MP Susan Templeman and daughter Phoebe